Lowerhouses CE Primary School

Working and Achieving Together to Enrich Lives and Nurture Bright Futures

Mrs R. Shaw

Lowerhouses Lane, Lowerhouses, Huddersfield, HD5 8JY



Collective Worship


Our week follows a pattern for Collective Worship.  We start each week with a 'Celebration through Song' on Mondays, followed by 'A Journey Through the Bible' on Tuesdays. The Journey Through the Bible Collective worship this year is based on an exploration of The Lord’s Prayer. Each half term will take one line of the prayer and use Bible stories and Christian examples to examine a related theme: Love, justice, service and charity, perseverance and faith, forgiveness and mercy, truth and wisdom and peace.  Wednesdays have a focus on 'News from around World', where we share current issues and news with the children.  Thursdays are our focus on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and Friday we celebrate the achievements of our children during that week.  For this celebration we invite parents in to share in this. 


Our school's chosen Christian Values are friendship, trust, truthfulness, forgiveness, respect, responsibility and perseverance. Below is some ideas you can do with your child at home based around the value of friendship.

LAMAT Partnership Day 2024

It was a pleasure to welcome a number of other schools from the Learning Accord Multi-Academy Trust, to share our beautiful school grounds, whilst taking part in a joint Collective Worship day. The children spent time exploring the MAT's Vision & Values, looking at what they mean, and how we can include and demonstrate them.

Please check out the YouTube video above which shows what a fantastic day we had!

Partnership        Promoting        Excellence