Welcome to Year 1
Orange Class
Mrs Newey Class Teacher |
Mrs Batty Cover Supervisor |
Mrs K Wilson Cover Supervisor |
Mrs L Armitage ETA |
Miss G Carter ETA
Welcome to Orange Class!
Our teacher is Mrs Newey and our teaching assistants are Mrs Batty, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Armitage and Mrs Carter.
In Year 1, we are a team, celebrating our achievements daily and appreciating everyone's contribution in which all children feel safe and can develop the confidence and independence to become lifelong learners and most of all have fun whilst they are doing it!
We enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum with a range of creative activities. Our topics are:
Let's Play (Autumn 1)
I spy...in my local area (Autumn 2)
Landscape of London (Spring 1)
Bandages and Bravery (Spring 2)
Starry, Starry Night (Summer 1)
Let's go on safari (Summer 2)
What do Year 1 children need and when?
PE lessons take place on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their outdoor PE kit on these days and jewelry is not worn.
Reading books should be taken home and returned to school on a daily basis so that children can practice their reading both at school and at home. Please sign their reading log and this will earn your child vouchers in class.
Look out for our Parent Information Sheet below!